Kardin Connection Blog

The benefits of using cloud-based real estate asset management tools

Written by Kardin Systems | 10/13/23 8:10 PM

Traditionally, asset management in the commercial real estate sector was a maze of spreadsheets, stacks of paperwork, and tedious manual processes. Property managers juggled data, administrators wrestled with complex setups, and asset managers toiled over portfolios inundated with data silos. It was a challenging, time-consuming, and error-prone system.

Enter the cloud—a transformative force that has revolutionized the way we manage and optimize real estate assets. They ushered in an era of unprecedented efficiency, collaboration, and accessibility.

We at Kardin Systems recognize the pivotal role that asset management plays in the commercial real estate industry. It's not just about managing properties; it's about maximizing their potential, ensuring profitability, and making data-driven decisions that shape the future.

In a world where market dynamics are constantly shifting, staying ahead of the curve is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Efficient asset management is the linchpin that enables commercial real estate professionals to thrive, adapt, and outpace the competition.

In this blog post, we will highlight the transformation that is reshaping commercial real estate asset management by streamlining processes, enhancing collaboration, fortifying data security, and paving the way for data-driven decision-making. 

Understanding Cloud-Based Real Estate Asset Management Tools

When getting started in real estate asset management, it helps to have a basic understanding of what cloud-based tools actually are, and how they can help you in your day-to-day job. 

Cloud-based asset management tools are software solutions that leverage cloud computing technology to streamline and optimize various aspects of commercial real estate asset management. Instead of relying on traditional on-premises systems, these tools harness the power of the cloud to provide a range of benefits.

The Core Components and Features

  • Centralized data storage: All critical data, from property financials to lease information, is securely stored in a centralized cloud environment. No more scattered spreadsheets or paper files—it's all organized and easily accessible in one place.
  • Accessibility from anywhere: With these tools, property managers, administrators, and asset managers can access their data from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. This level of accessibility breaks down geographical barriers and enables professionals to work remotely, collaborate seamlessly, and make informed decisions on the go.
  • Real-time collaboration: Cloud-based solutions facilitate real-time collaboration among team members and stakeholders. Whether it's multiple property managers working on budgeting, administrators coordinating user access, or asset managers optimizing portfolios, everyone can collaborate within the same system simultaneously. Changes and updates are reflected instantly, fostering better teamwork and faster decision-making. In addition, cloud-based solutions like Kardin facilitate the collaboration between property managers and asset managers allowing them both access to real-time budget and reforecast data, budget comparisons, and workflows. 
Integration with accounting and lease management systems: Cloud-based asset management tools are designed to integrate seamlessly with accounting and lease management systems. This integration is pivotal for two reasons:
  1. Data Consistency: It ensures that data is consistent across systems, eliminating discrepancies and reducing the risk of errors.
  2. Efficiency: Integrating with existing systems streamlines workflows. For example, lease data can be imported from accounting systems, minimizing manual data entry and saving time.
Overall, these core components and features form the foundation of cloud-based asset management tools. They address the historical challenges of traditional asset management, providing a modern, efficient, and collaborative approach to commercial real estate asset management. 

Benefits for Commercial Real Estate Property Managers

For property managers in the commercial real estate industry, the adoption of cloud-based asset management tools brings a wealth of advantages. These tools are tailored to address the unique challenges faced by property managers, making their roles more efficient and effective. 

Budgeting & Forecasting

Cloud-based tools revolutionize the budgeting process. Property managers can bid farewell to the days of laborious spreadsheet juggling because these tools offer intuitive interfaces that guide users through budget creation. They streamline the data entry process, automatically calculate complex financials, and allow for easy adjustments. Property managers can allocate resources, set financial targets, and allocate expenses with ease.

In addition, cloud-based tools empower property managers to effortlessly manage forecasts. If market conditions change, or if unexpected expenses arise, property managers can quickly adjust budgets and reforecast without the hassle of recreating entire spreadsheets. This adaptability ensures budgets remain accurate and aligned with evolving market realities.


Collaboration is essential in the world of commercial real estate. Cloud-based asset management tools break down collaboration barriers. Property managers can invite stakeholders, including asset managers, administrators, and even external partners, to collaborate in real-time. Whether it's fine-tuning budgets, reviewing performance, or coordinating lease negotiations, everyone is on the same page. 

Property managers often oversee multiple properties and teams. Cloud-based solutions provide a centralized platform for managing diverse portfolios efficiently. Property managers can easily switch between properties, access all relevant data from a single dashboard, and allocate resources where they're needed most. This efficiency allows property managers to optimize performance across their entire portfolio.

Plus, asset managers who hire property managers to oversee and manage their investments are able to collaborate with those property managers with ease. Reports, portfolios, and budgets are all easily accessible and can be shared between the two institutions to increase effectiveness and streamline processes. 

Privacy & Security 

Protecting sensitive data is paramount in the digital age. Cloud-based asset management tools prioritize data security. They employ robust encryption and security measures to safeguard sensitive financial and lease data. Moreover, they adhere to industry-specific regulatory compliance standards, ensuring that property managers meet legal requirements without added complexity.

Data breaches can have severe consequences. Cloud-based solutions implement proactive security measures to mitigate risks. Frequent security updates and dedicated security teams work tirelessly to identify and address vulnerabilities. In the event of data breaches, cloud-based systems offer faster response times and data recovery procedures, minimizing downtime and potential financial losses.

In a rapidly evolving real estate industry, commercial property managers need tools that not only simplify their day-to-day tasks but also empower them to adapt and excel. Cloud-based asset management tools do precisely that. They bring efficiency, collaboration, and security to the forefront, enabling property managers to navigate the complexities of commercial real estate with confidence and agility.

Benefits for Administrators

Administrators play a pivotal role in the successful implementation and management of real estate asset management tools. The adoption of cloud-based solutions significantly eases the workload and enhances their capabilities. 

Setting up Properties and Users Efficiently

Cloud-based asset management tools streamline the onboarding process for properties and users. Administrators can efficiently configure new properties within the system, ensuring that all necessary data is accurately entered and organized. This centralized approach to property setup simplifies the entire process, eliminating the need for redundant data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

Managing Licenses and Permissions Effortlessly

Managing user access and permissions is a critical administrative task. Cloud-based solutions empower administrators to effortlessly control who has access to the system and what level of permissions they possess. Whether it's granting access to property managers, asset managers, or other stakeholders, administrators can fine-tune permissions with ease, ensuring data security and compliance.

Importing Lease and Financial Data Seamlessly

Data integration is a hallmark of cloud-based asset management tools. Administrators can seamlessly import lease and financial data from various sources, including accounting systems. This integration ensures data consistency and accuracy across platforms. Instead of manually entering data, administrators can allocate their time to more strategic tasks, knowing that the data is synchronized and up to date.

Reducing Manual Data Entry and Errors

Manual data entry is a time-consuming process prone to errors. Cloud-based solutions significantly reduce the need for manual data entry, minimizing the risk of human error. By automating data input and calculations, administrators can trust the accuracy of the information within the system. This efficiency translates to time saved and a lower likelihood of costly mistakes.

For example, a cloud-based system is designed to handle large amounts of data, whereas Excel can become sluggish or unresponsive when handling large datasets. In addition, Excel makes it more difficult to collaborate with team members, files can become corrupt, and compliance is a manual and potentially error-prone process. Plus, for those who need Excel spreadsheets, cloud-based systems are often able to be exported as an Excel file and shared. 

Access to Comprehensive Training Resources

Learning to maximize the potential of asset management tools is essential for administrators. Cloud-based solutions offer access to a wealth of training resources, including online tutorials, webinars, and documentation. Administrators can tap into these resources to enhance their proficiency and unlock the full capabilities of the system.

Dedicated Support Teams for Assistance

Administrators are not alone on their journey. Cloud-based asset management tools typically come with dedicated support teams ready to assist with any queries or issues. These support teams are well-versed in the intricacies of the system and can provide timely assistance, ensuring that administrators can navigate any challenges effectively.

By design, cloud-based asset management tools empower administrators to simplify onboarding processes, integrate data seamlessly, and access the support and training needed for success. This elevated efficiency allows administrators to focus on strategic tasks that drive the organization's growth and success.

Benefits for Asset Managers

Asset managers, responsible for optimizing the performance of portfolios, find invaluable advantages in the adoption of cloud-based asset management tools. These tools are tailored to empower asset managers in their pivotal roles. 

Creating and Managing Portfolios with Ease

Cloud-based asset management tools simplify the creation and management of portfolios. Asset managers can effortlessly compile lists of properties, enabling them to strategically group assets for analysis and decision-making. The process of curating portfolios becomes intuitive, allowing asset managers to focus on portfolio optimization rather than wrestling with complex administrative tasks.

Leveraging Real-Time Budget and Reforecast Data

Asset managers require accurate, up-to-date information to make informed decisions. Cloud-based solutions provide real-time access to budget and reforecast data. Asset managers can monitor the financial health of portfolios, identify trends, and adjust strategies promptly. With live data at their fingertips, they can make agile decisions that maximize returns and mitigate risks.

Optimizing Budget Approval Processes

Budget approval processes can be time-consuming and complex. Cloud-based asset management tools optimize these workflows. Asset managers can initiate and track budget approvals with ease, ensuring that budgets align with strategic objectives. Notifications and reminders streamline the approval chain, expediting decision-making and reducing bottlenecks.

Integration with Lease Management Systems for Streamlined Operations

Integration is a game-changer for asset managers. Cloud-based tools seamlessly integrate with lease management systems, enabling asset managers to access lease data directly within the asset management platform. This integration minimizes the need for manual data transfer, ensuring that lease information is always synchronized and accurate. Asset managers can assess lease performance and make data-driven decisions without navigating multiple systems.

Accessing Portfolio-Level Reports for Performance Analysis

Performance analysis is a cornerstone of asset management. Cloud-based solutions offer portfolio-level reports that provide a holistic view of portfolio performance. Asset managers can analyze key performance indicators (KPIs), such as NOI (Net Operating Income) and cash flow, for each property in the portfolio. This comprehensive analysis guides strategic decisions and allows asset managers to proactively address underperforming assets.

Exporting Reports for Further Analysis and Decision-Making

Beyond on-platform analysis, cloud-based tools enable asset managers to export reports for in-depth analysis or sharing with stakeholders. These reports can be exported in various formats, including Excel, facilitating further analysis, presentations, and decision-making processes. This exportability empowers asset managers to tailor reports to their specific needs.

Asset managers are entrusted with optimizing portfolios for profitability and resilience and cloud-based asset management tools arm them with the capabilities to streamline portfolio management, enhance workflow efficiency, and access comprehensive data for informed decision-making. Asset managers can confidently navigate the complexities of their roles, driving portfolio performance and success.